Benito Ortega Vargas

Born in 1951, Raced in México City studying with my eyes open, observing, searching, Since I was a child I liked drawing and doing things with my hands; As you grow up, you are nourished by everything you live and see: the colors, the people, the landscapes, the things that happen in LIFE, the historical moment. All of this shapes us as individuals and that is why we are all children of our time and of our society.
I attended different art schools and practiced different disciplines of artistic expression; I learned from excellent teachers and talented artists and with them I also learned that within each being there is an energy that drives incessantly and that leads us through the paths…
More than 40 years ago, that impulsive energy brought me to sculpture, like someone arriving at a place that was always waiting for them. I found my place! And perhaps the reason of my existence
Almost 70 years of life and experience I have stored in this bundle of skin and bones. More than forty of them I have made sculpture.

Now I know that also by closing the eyes, the human grows; and when it opens almost until it disappears… then THE UNIVERSE TAKES ITS PLACE IN YOU and feeds your heart, sings with your hands, flows like a river and wants to give itself to everyone. Life becomes a game. The materials and tools are like toys; thus LIFE seeks itself, sings to itself and the human being completes his destiny. So simply, just do, just sing, just say, just flow; let it BE.
Email: | Website: | Cel: 52 612 136 27 60 | Estudio/Galleria: Calle Centenario # 24 Todos Santos B.C.S.
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