Christa Assad
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Meet the Artist:
México beckoned and Christa Assad relocated her home and studio south of the border in 2017. She was captivated by the small Pueblo Mágico of Todos Santos, with its colorful decorations dangling across the narrow streets, and one long dirt road out to her new land. While you may have visited Assad’s project with architect Kevin Wickham, Taller de Terreno, a cast-concrete minimalist construction often referred to as “the bunker”, it’s unlikely that you’ve visited her new residence just one gate uphill, right nextdoor to the bunker. This Open Studio Tour, Assad welcomes you into her new studio to enjoy her ceramic art, pottery, and acrylic paintings on plywood.
Her desert hideaway houses the only wood-fired kiln in Baja, and there she enjoys experimenting with local clay and found treasures from her hikes in the dramatic landscape. She balances her time between potting and painting, beach combing and exploring cities on the mainland.
Assad’s work is in the permanent collections of The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, The Ceramic Research Center at Arizona State University Museum, and The Penn State Fulbright Scholar Collection, and is included in Garth Clark’s Shards, Kevin A. Hluch’s The Art of Contemporary Pottery, and Lark Books‘ 500 Teapots and 500 Pitchers. She teaches and exhibits internationally, creating useful, classic pieces that begin on the potter’s wheel, but move beyond the round.